Double-Decker Pavlova with Chocolate

This pavlova with chocolate is delicate, but still satisfying.  Chocolate pavlovas are an impressive dessert!

Chocolate Pavlova from  -  This chocolate meringue dessert is so impressive topped with chocolate curls!I love going to the symphony.  I haven’t been in ages, but I love it.  It’s probably my musical background that does it.  I find it so uplifting and relaxing.

When I find myself getting all caught up in the cell phone and Netflix and YouTube, I find it’s really nice to unplug and go back to the classics, you know?  Classics like symphonies and plays and operas and ballets.

This pavlova, by the way, is the perfect dessert to eat after watching the classics, because it’s sort of classical itself.  It’s named after a Russian ballerina.  And, just like her, it’s sort of delicate and yet fabulous.

Although, not like her, pavlovas originate in Australia.  Or is it New Zealand?


Chocolate Pavlova from  -  This chocolate meringue dessert is so impressive topped with chocolate curls!

A pavlova is basically a giant meringue.  Egg whites and sugar make a beautiful thing, my friends.

Fair warning, they are kind of delicate, so handle with care.

Chocolate Pavlova from  -  This chocolate meringue dessert is so impressive topped with chocolate curls!

On the bright side, it gave me an excuse to cover something in my favorite Hot Fudge Sauce.  Like I needed one.  And it also gave me an excuse to make chocolate curls, which is always fun.  To learn to make these yourself, I recommend using this tutorial from The Pioneer Woman.

After you’ve done all this, and taken yourself to the symphony, do yourself a favor and hire someone to do the dishes for you!  Trust me on this one.

If you enjoyed this Chocolate Pavlova, you might also enjoy these:

lemon meringuesLemon
fudge ice creamHomemade
Hot Fudge Sauce
Chocolate Pudding



5.0 from 1 reviews
Double-Decker Pavlova with Chocolate
Cook time
Total time
A delicate chocolate meringue pavlova, topped with whipped cream and chocolate.
Recipe type: Desserts
Serves: 6
  • 6 egg whites (I used large eggs)
  • pinch of cream of tartar
  • 1½ cups sugar
  • ¼ cup cocoa powder
  • 2 oz. bittersweet chocolate, chopped; or ¼ cup chocolate chips, chopped
  • sweetened whipped cream *(see notes)
  • about ½ cup homemade hot fudge sauce *(see notes)
  • chocolate for garnish *(see notes)
  1. Place egg whites in a mixing bowl, taking care to ensure that not a drop of the yolk is in it. Add a pinch of cream of tartar. Mix on high until mixture forms soft, satiny peaks.
  2. Add sugar slowly, while mixing. Continue mixing on high several minutes, until stiff peaks form.
  3. Sift in cocoa powder, and add chopped chocolate, and using a spatula, gently fold to incorporate.
  4. Draw two 8-inch circles on a piece of parchment paper and place the paper on the baking sheet, pencil side down. Spoon mixture into circles, keeping each of them the same size, and leaving a little room for expansion.
  5. Bake at 300F for 60-75 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.
  6. Top first layer with whipped cream, carefully stack second pavlova on top, and top with more whipped cream and chocolate garnish.
  7. Drizzle with hot fudge sauce.
I used one pint of whipping cream, and whipped it with about 6 tablespoons of sugar.

A recipe for homemade hot fudge sauce can be found here: I recommend letting the sauce chill completely before drizzling. If you prefer a store-bought sauce, use chocolate syrup rather than hot fudge sauce.

To make chocolate curls, I used the method found here:


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