Russian Tea Cakes

Shortbread Cookie Recipe; These Russian Tea Cakes are a shortbread cookie with nuts, great for holidays!  Try this easy shortbread cookie recipe.

Russian Tea Cakes from JensFavoriteCookies.comCan we just talk about schedules for a minute?

My kids’ schedules rule my life.  I’ve basically told all my friends that if they want to hang out with me, it needs to be between the hours of 8 am and 2 pm, because after 2:00, my day belongs to my kids.

Today, for example, all three kids stayed after school for different reasons.  The Lizard needed to talk to his employer (conveniently located across the street from the high school), The Fruitarian stayed for swim practice, and The Hippie Chick joined Science Club.  All of them required rides home from yours truly at different times.

And that was just the beginning.  The Lizard had to ride his bike to work; The Hippie Chick may not have time to eat between play practice, volleyball, and karate; and The Fruitarian literally just interrupted me in the middle of writing this to ask me to take him to his extra karate class… the one he helps teach.

Not that I don’t have my own things to do… I teach piano lessons in the afternoons, and blogging isn’t exactly the walk in the park many people think it is, not to mention the sink full of dishes and the piles of dirty laundry, and the dust on every surface.

Russian Tea Cakes from

You know what else?  I just had two big handfuls of pretzels for dinner.

Seriously, some days I just need a Calgon break.  Most days.  Basically every day.

I just want my own little afternoon tea party… with Chamomille and cookies and a good book and sweet, sweet silence.

Russian Tea Cakes from Russian Tea Cakes from

I love these little tea cakes.  They’re so sweet and unobtrusive.

{Well, unless you breathe in some powdered sugar.  I actually find that part quite obtrusive.}

They are basically a shortbread; unleavened, buttery shortbread with nuts, rolled in powdered sugar.

I feel like I should tell you that I didn’t really come up with this recipe myself, nor can I attribute it to a single other person.  I have seen several recipes for this cute little cookie, and basically all of them were the same.

Why don’t you have a tea party and have a couple cookies?  I’ll join you… just as soon as I’m done chauffeuring my kids around town.


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Russian Tea Cakes
Cook time
Total time
A pecan shortbread cookie rolled in powdered sugar.
Recipe type: Cookies
Serves: 3 dozen
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 2¼ cups flour
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • ½ cup chopped pecans or walnuts
  • More powdered sugar for rolling (about ½ cup)
  1. Cream butter and sugar. Add vanilla and mix well.
  2. Add flour and salt and mix until well combined.
  3. Add nuts and mix to incorporate.
  4. Roll dough into 1-inch balls and place on baking sheet. Bake at 400F for 8-9 minutes.
  5. Place some powdered sugar in a shallow bowl. Roll warm cookies in the sugar, and let cool. Once completely cooled, roll in sugar a second time.

shortbread cookie recipe


6 thoughts on “Russian Tea Cakes

  1. Nancy @ gottagetbaked

    I’m going to echo every other commenter here: I LOVE these cookies! The first time I had them was at Christmas about ten years ago.l My BFF made a big batch of them and I was inhaling them (choking on powdered sugar in the process but it was worth it, damnit!). The styling of these photos is awesome, Jen. I think we all need a Calgon break on the daily. If only!

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