Scotcheroos and the Rice Krispies Treat Death Match
This post has been updated!! See the new post HERE. Have you ever wondered how a person might find themselves embroiled in a serious Rice Krispies Treat Death Match? Well, let me tell you. A few months ago, an innocent remark by me about my favor..
Mango Salsa
I absolutely love this combination of mango and avocado. The jalapeno gives it a little bite, and the lime juice sweetens everything just a touch. It's the perfect summer snack!..
Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies
The thing about being married to a picky eater is that I find I get annoyed about it a lot. You would figure that at some point I would just give up and deal with it, but not me. I just keep getting annoyed. Robb is super sweet about the whole th..
Butterscotch Popcorn
Butterscotch popcorn recipe; You’ll love this easy and simple butterscotch popcorn recipe. My kids have the worst teeth. You wouldn’t believe some of the things my dentist, orthodontist, and oral surgeon have told me. Yeah, we have an..
Chocolate Pretzel Snack Mix
My teenagers are growing so fast I can hardly keep up with it. Our #2 son, “The Fruitarian,” was laughing at himself the other day, while trying to keep his shirt tucked in. He said, “tucked…” then raised his arms a ..
Date Nut No-Bake Cookies
I just heard my kid say the words, “We’ve got to get mom off the computer.” {pause for effect} This is the same kid who said, “Blogging is a nerdy woman thing to do.” He’s not related to me, I swear. He didn̵..
Ash Cakes and Honey Drizzle for Pioneer Day
Here in Utah, we are coming up on a state holiday: Pioneer Day. We celebrate it pretty much like the 4th of July, except that basically no one but government employees get the day off work. There is an old wives tale that when the Mormon pioneers fir..
Frozen Cherry Lemonade
ONE. OH. TWO. That’s the temperature here today. Now, I’ll grant you, the bone dry humidity level makes the heat a little easier to take, but still. It’s HOT. When he was a young teenager, Robb moved from northern Wyoming wher..
Peppermint Meringues
I’m tired. I’ve heard tales of people who regularly experience life on only 5 hours of sleep or less, but let me tell you, I am not one of those. Another fun fact about me: I can be kind of unpleasant to be around when I’m tired. ..
Chocolate Banana Parfait
We may have celebrated the single most boring 4th of July in my entire life this year. In years past, we have gone camping, or swimming, or had family barbecues. Maybe it’s because the holiday was on a Wednesday, but we had nothing planned..